Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mac OS X Leopard Bible or Digital Photography For Dummies

Mac OS X Leopard Bible

Author: Douglas B Heyman

• This comprehensive one-stop guide offers nearly 1,000 pages of in-depth information on the latest Mac OS X version, including tips, secrets, and detailed how-to instructions

• Provides expert guidance on all of Leopard's new features, including the pro-level security tools and brand-new built-in applications

• Offers greatly enhanced coverage of Dashboard, Automator, wireless networking, and troubleshooting

• Topics covered include customizing the desktop, working with the Dock, searching with Finder, getting on the Internet, searching with Sherlock, using Apple Mail and iChat, synching with iSync, getting the most out of the iLife applications, setting up Leopard on a network, and tapping the power of Mac Unix

• There are currently more than 19 million Mac OS X users, and Apple shipped over 1.3 million Macs in the last quarter

Table of Contents:
About the Authors.



Part I: Getting to Know Mac OS X.

Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation of Mac OS X.

Chapter 2: Exploring the GUI and Personalizing your Workspace.

Chapter 3: Searching with Spotlight.

Chapter 4: Transitioning to Intel Architecture and Universal/Binary Apps.

Chapter 5: Working with Applications and Documents.

Chapter 6: Working with Included Applications.

Chapter 7: Working with QuickTime and Included Media Applications.

Part II: At Work with Mac OS X.

Chapter 8: Getting Help.

Chapter 9: Utilizing Services.

Chapter 10: Getting on the Internet.

Chapter 11: Setting Up a Local Network.

Chapter 12: Sharing Files and Network Services.

Chapter 13: Deploying More Network Services.

Chapter 14: Harnessing .Mac.

Chapter 15: Managing Fonts.

Part III: Beyond the Basics of Mac OS X.

Chapter 16: Printing and Faxing.

Chapter 17: Managing System Preferences.

Chapter 18: Managing User Accounts and Privileges.

Chapter 19: Integrating in a Windows World.

Part IV: Making the Most of Mac OS X.

Chapter 20: Enhancing with Utilities.

Chapter 21: Maintaining Mac OS X.

Chapter 22: Automating and AppleScript.

Chapter 23: Commanding Unix.

Chapter 24: Securing Mac OS X.



Books about: Abraham Lincoln or Outrage

Digital Photography For Dummies

Author: Julie Adair King

You'll be smiling behind the camera after you master all the tips and tricks exposed in the second edition of Digital Photography For Dummies by photographer and digital imaging expert Julie Adair King. This updated guide to taking great pictures with a digital camera -- whether you're shooting for fun or for profit -- delivers up-to-the-minute advice on everything from selecting the right camera to using advanced image-correction techniques, all written in clear, concise terms and presented with easy-to-follow steps.

With traditional 35mm cameras, after your picture is taken, that's it. But with digital camera images, the fun is just starting. Run your digital images through a variety of special effects, from adjusting the color balance to cropping out unwanted elements or sharpening the focus. Create new images for your Web site, send your pictures to friends and family over the Internet, or print your suitable-for-framing pix on high-quality paper. Plus, Digital Photography For Dummies, 2nd Edition, comes with a bonus CD-ROM loaded with image-editing utilities, such as Kodak Picture Easy 3.1, Spin Panorama 1.0, and trial versions of several popular tools and programs, including Adobe's award-winning photo-manipulation program, Photoshop 5.

CEH or Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware Second Edition

CEH: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide

Author: Kimberly Graves

Prepare for the CEH certification exam with this official review guide and learn how to identify security risks to networks and computers. This easy-to-use guide is organized by exam objectives for quick review so you’ll be able to get the serious preparation you need for the challenging Certified Ethical Hacker certification exam 312-50. As the only review guide officially endorsed by EC-Council, this concise book covers all of the exam objectives and includes a CD with a host of additional study tools.

Table of Contents:
Introduction     xv
Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Ethics, and Legality     1
Understanding Ethical Hacking Terminology     2
Identifying Different Types of Hacking Technologies     3
Understanding the Different Phases Involved in Ethical Hacking and Listing the Five Stages of Ethical Hacking     4
Passive and Active Reconnaissance     5
Scanning     5
Gaining Access     5
Maintaining Access     6
Covering Tracks     6
What Is Hacktivism?     6
Listing Different Types of Hacker Classes     6
Ethical Hackers and Crackers-Who Are They?     7
What Do Ethical Hackers Do?     8
Goals Attackers Try to Achieve     8
Security, Functionality, and Ease of Use Triangle     9
Defining the Skills Required to Become an Ethical Hacker     10
What Is Vulnerability Research?     10
Describing the Ways to Conduct Ethical Hacking     11
Creating a Security Evaluation Plan     11
Types of Ethical Hacks     12
Testing Types     12
Ethical Hacking Report     13
Understanding the Legal Implications of Hacking     13
Understanding 18 U.S.C. [Section]1029 and 1030 U.S. Federal Law     14
Exam Essentials     14
Review Questions     16
Answers to Review Questions     18
Footprinting and Social Engineering     19
Footprinting     20
Define the Term Footprinting     20
Describe the Information Gathering Methodology     21
Describe Competitive Intelligence     22
Understand DNS Enumeration     23
Understand Whois and ARIN Lookups     24
Identify Different Types of DNS Records     27
Understand How Traceroute Is Used in Footprinting     28
Understand How E-Mail Tracking Works     29
Understand How Web Spiders Work     29
Exam Essentials     29
Social Engineering     30
What Is Social Engineering?     30
What Are the Common Types Of Attacks?     32
Understand Insider Attacks     33
Understand Identity Theft     33
Describe Phishing Attacks     34
Understand Online Scams     34
Understand URL Obfuscation     35
Social-Engineering Countermeasures     35
Exam Essentials     36
Review Questions     37
Answers to Review Questions     40
Scanning and Enumeration     41
Scanning     42
Define the Terms Port Scanning, Network Scanning, and Vulnerability Scanning     42
Understand the CEH Scanning Methodology     43
Understand Ping Sweep Techniques     44
Understand Nmap Command Switches     46
Understand Syn, Stealth, Xmas, Null, Idle, and Fin Scans     48
List TCP Communication Flag Types     49
Understand War-Dialing Techniques     51
Understand Banner Grabbing and OS Fingerprinting Techniques     52
Understand How Proxy Servers Are Used in Launching an Attack     53
How Do Anonymizers Work?     53
Understand HTTP Tunneling Techniques     54
Understand IP Spoofing Techniques     54
Exam Essentials     55
Enumeration     55
What Is Enumeration?     56
What Is Meant by Null Sessions?     56
What Is SNMP Enumeration?     58
Windows 2000 DNS Zone Transfer     59
What Are the Steps Involved in Performing Enumeration?     60
Exam Essentials     60
Review Questions     62
Answers to Review Questions     66
System Hacking      67
Understanding Password-Cracking Techniques     68
Understanding the LanManager Hash     69
Cracking Windows 2000 Passwords     70
Redirecting the SMB Logon to the Attacker     70
SMB Redirection     71
SMB Relay MITM Attacks and Countermeasures     71
NetBIOS DoS Attacks     72
Password-Cracking Countermeasures     72
Understanding Different Types of Passwords     74
Passive Online Attacks     74
Active Online Attacks     75
Offline Attacks     77
Nonelectronic Attacks     78
Understanding Keyloggers and Other Spyware Technologies     78
Understand Escalating Privileges     79
Executing Applications     80
Buffer Overflows     80
Understanding Rootkits     81
Planting Rootkits on Windows 2000 and XP Machines     81
Rootkit Embedded TCP/IP Stack     82
Rootkit Countermeasures     82
Understanding How to Hide Files     83
NTFS File Streaming     83
NTFS Stream Countermeasures     83
Understanding Steganography Technologies     84
Understanding How to Cover Your Tracks and Erase Evidence     85
Disabling Auditing     85
Clearing the Event Log     86
Exam Essentials     86
Review Questions     87
Answers to Review Questions     89
Trojans, Backdoors, Viruses, and Worms     91
Trojans and Backdoors     92
What Is a Trojan?     93
What Is Meant by Overt and Covert Channels?     94
List the Different Types of Trojans     94
How Do Reverse-Connecting Trojans Work?     94
Understand How the Netcat Trojan Works     96
What Are the Indications of a Trojan Attack?     97
What Is Meant by "Wrapping"?     97
Trojan Construction Kit and Trojan Makers     97
What Are the Countermeasure Techniques in Preventing Trojans?     98
Understand Trojan-Evading Techniques     98
System File Verification Subobjective to Trojan Countermeasures     99
Viruses and Worms     99
Understand the Difference between a Virus and a Worm     99
Understand the Types of Viruses     100
Understand Antivirus Evasion Techniques     101
Understand Virus Detection Methods     101
Exam Essentials     101
Review Questions      103
Answers to Review Questions     106
Sniffers     107
Understand the Protocols Susceptible to Sniffing     108
Understand Active and Passive Sniffing     109
Understand ARP Poisoning     110
Understand Ethereal Capture and Display Filters     110
Understand MAC Flooding     111
Understand DNS Spoofing Techniques     111
Describe Sniffing Countermeasures     113
Exam Essentials     114
Review Questions     115
Answers to Review Questions     117
Denial of Service and Session Hijacking     119
Denial of Service     120
Understand the Types of DoS Attacks     120
Understand How DDoS Attacks Work     122
Understand How BOTs/BOTNETs Work     123
What Is a "Smurf" Attack?     124
What Is "SYN" Flooding?     124
Describe the DoS/DDoS Countermeasures     124
Session Hijacking     125
Understand Spoofing vs. Hijacking     125
List the Types of Session Hijacking     126
Understand Sequence Prediction     126
What Are the Steps in Performing Session Hijacking?     128
Describe How You Would Prevent Session Hijacking     129
Exam Essentials     130
Review Questions     131
Answers to Review Questions     135
Hacking Web Servers, Web Application Vulnerabilities, and Web-Based Password Cracking Techniques     137
Hacking Web Servers     138
List the Types of Web Server Vulnerabilities     138
Understand the Attacks against Web Servers     139
Understand IIS Unicode Exploits     139
Understand Patch Management Techniques     140
Describe Web Server Hardening Methods     140
Web Application Vulnerabilities     141
Understanding How Web Applications Work     141
Objectives of Web Application Hacking     142
Anatomy of an Attack     142
Web Application Threats     142
Understand Google Hacking     143
Understand Web Application Countermeasures     143
Web-Based Password Cracking Techniques     144
List the Authentication Types     144
What Is a Password Cracker?     144
How Does a Password Cracker Work?     144
Understand Password Attacks: Classification     145
Understand Password-Cracking Countermeasures     145
Exam Essentials     145
Review Questions     147
Answers to Review Questions     149
SQL Injection and Buffer Overflows     151
SQL Injection     152
What Is SQL Injection?     152
Understand the Steps to Conduct SQL Injection     152
Understand SQL Server Vulnerabilities     153
Describe SQL Injection Countermeasures     153
Buffer Overflows     154
Identify the Different Types of Buffer Overflows and Methods of Detection     154
Overview of Stack-Based Buffer Overflows     154
Overview of Buffer Overflow Mutation Techniques     155
Exam Essentials     155
Review Questions     156
Answers to Review Questions     158
Wireless Hacking     159
Overview of WEP, WPA Authentication Mechanisms, and Cracking Techniques     160
Overview of Wireless Sniffers and Locating SSIDs, MAC Spoofing     162
Understand Rogue Access Points     163
Understand Wireless Hacking Techniques     163
Describe the Methods Used to Secure Wireless Networks     164
Exam Essentials     164
Review Questions     165
Answers to Review Questions      167
Physical Security     169
Physical Security Breach Incidents     170
Understanding Physical Security     171
What Is the Need for Physical Security?     171
Who Is Accountable for Physical Security?     172
Factors Affecting Physical Security     172
Exam Essentials     172
Review Questions     174
Answers to Review Questions     176
Linux Hacking     177
Linux Basics     178
Understand How to Compile a Linux Kernel     179
Understand GCC Compilation Commands     180
Understand How to Install Linux Kernel Modules     180
Understand Linux Hardening Methods     181
Exam Essentials     182
Review Questions     183
Answers to Review Questions     185
Evading IDSs, Honeypots, and Firewalls     187
List the Types of Intrusion Detection Systems and Evasion Techniques     188
List the Firewall Types and Honeypot Evasion Techniques     189
Exam Essentials     191
Review Questions     192
Answers to Review Questions     194
Cryptography     195
Overview of Cryptography and Encryption Techniques      196
Describe How Public and Private Keys Are Generated     197
Overview of the MD5, SHA, RC4, RC5, and Blowfish Algorithms     197
Exam Essentials     198
Review Questions     199
Answers to Review Questions     201
Penetration Testing Methodologies     203
Defining Security Assessments     204
Overview of Penetration Testing Methodologies     204
List the Penetration Testing Steps     205
Overview of the Pen-Test Legal Framework     206
List the Automated Penetration Testing Tools     207
Overview of the Pen-Test Deliverables     208
Exam Essentials     208
Review Questions     209
Answers to Review Questions     211
Glossary     213
Index     225

New interesting textbook: Bowl Food or Soils for Fine Wines

Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Second Edition

Author: Digidesign

Digidesign's Official Pro Tools 101 Courseware takes a comprehensive approach to learning the fundamentals of Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, or Pro Tools M-Powered systems. Now updated for Pro Tools 7.4 software, this new edition from the definitive authority on Pro Tools covers everything you need to know to complete a Pro Tools project. Learn to build sessions that include multitrack recordings of live instruments, MIDI sequences, software synthesizers and samplers, and audio looping with REX or ACID files. Through hands-on tutorials, develop essential techniques for recording, editing, and mixing. The included DVD-ROM offers tutorial files and videos, plug-in installers, and a variety of Pro Tools sessions. Developed as the foundation course of the official Digidesign Training and Education program, the guide can be used to learn on your own or to pursue formal Pro Tools certification through a Digidesign-authorized school. Join the ranks of audio professionals around the world as you unleash the creative power of your Pro Tools system.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Design of Sites or Thinking in Java 4th Edition

Design of Sites: Patterns for Creating Winning Websites

Author: Douglas Van Duyn

The Design of Sites, Second Edition, is the definitive reference for the principles, patterns, methodologies, and best practices underlying exceptional Web design. If you are involved in the creation of dynamic Web sites, this book will give you all the necessary tools and techniques to create effortless end-user Web experiences, improve customer satisfaction, and achieve a balanced approach to Web design.

After a comprehensive tutorial covering the foundations of good Web site design, you will move on to discover the thirteen major Web design pattern groups. These patterns solve recurring design problems and help design teams avoid reinventing the wheel. Patterns range from creating a solid navigation framework and the all-important home page, to instilling trust and building credibility with your customers and improving site performance through better design.

Table of Contents:
Foreword xxixPreface xxxiiiAcknowledgments xliPart I: Foundations of Web Site Design 1Chapter 1: Customer-Centered Web Design: More Than a Good Idea 3

1.1 The Evolution of Web Design 3

1.2 The Importance of Customer-Centered Design 6

1.3 Our First Steps toward Unifying Design, Usability, and Marketing 8

1.4 Why We Prefer Customer-Centered Design 9

1.5 Nine Myths of Customer-Centered Design 12

1.6 Applying Customer-Centered Design 15

1.7 Take-away Ideas 16

Chapter 2: Making the Most of Web Design Patterns 19

2.1 What Are Patterns? 19

2.2 A Sample Pattern 20

2.3 How to Read a Pattern 23

2.4 How Much Do Patterns Change Over Time? 25

2.5 How to Use the Patterns 30

2.6 An Example of Using Patterns 31

2.7 Take-away Ideas 37

Chapter 3: Knowing Your Customers: Principles and Techniques 39

3.1 Principles for Knowing Your Customers 40

3.2 Techniques for Knowing Your Customers 50

3.3 Take-away Ideas 67

Chapter 4: Involving Customers with Iterative Design 69

4.1 The Iterative Design Process 69

4.2 Reasons to Use Iterative Design 71

4.3 Designing with Goals and Principles in Mind 73

4.4 Rapid Prototyping 80

4.5 Evaluating Your Web Site 90

4.6 Take-away Ideas 95

Chapter 5: Processes for Developing Customer-Centered Sites 97

5.1 Development Process Overview 98

5.2 The Discovery Phase 100

5.3 The Exploration Phase 105

5.4 The Refinement Phase 106

5.5 The Production Phase 108

5.6 TheImplementation Phase 110

5.7 The Launch Phase 113

5.8 The Maintenance Phase 113

5.9 Take-away Ideas 115

Part II: Patterns 117Pattern Group A: Site Genres 119

A1: Personal E-Commerce 120

A2: News Mosaics 128

A3: Community Conference 136

A4: Self-Service Government 148

A5: Nonprofits as Networks of Help 154

A6: Grassroots Information Sites 161

A7: Valuable Company Sites 167

A8: Educational Forums 174

A9: Stimulating Arts and Entertainment 182

A10: Web Apps That Work 187

A11: Enabling Intranets 195

A12: blogs 201

Pattern Group B: Creating a Navigation Framework 215

B1: Multiple Ways to Navigate 216

B2: Browsable Content 221

B3: Hierarchical Organization 226

B4: Task-Based Organization 231

B5: Alphabetical Organization 235

B6: Chronological Organization 238

B7: Popularity-Based Organization 241

B8: Category Pages 247

B9: Site Accessibility 251

Pattern Group C: Creating a Powerful Homepage 267

C1: Homepage Portal 268

C2: Up-Front Value Proposition 277

Pattern Group D: Writing and Managing Content 283

D1: Page Templates 284

D2: Content Modules 291

D3: Headlines and Blurbs 297

D4: Personalized Content 303

D5: Message Boards 314

D6: Writing for Search Engines 324

D7: Inverted-Pyramid Writing Style 332

D8: Printable Pages 339

D9: Distinctive HTML Titles 343

D10: Internationalized and Localized Content 349

D11: Style Sheets 356

Pattern Group E: Building Trust and Credibility 365

E1: Site Branding 366

E2: E-Mail Subscriptions 372

E3: Fair Information Practices 378

E4: Privacy Policy 384

E5: About Us 391

E6: Secure Connections 398

E7: E-Mail Notifications 402

E8: Privacy Preferences 410

E9: Preventing Phishing Scams 418

Pattern Group F: Basic E-Commerce 431

F1: Quick-Flow Checkout 432

F2: Clean Product Details 439

F3: Shopping Cart 449

F4: Quick Address Selection 458

F5: Quick Shipping Method Selection 464

F6: Payment Method 469

F7: Order Summary 475

F8: Order Confirmation and Thank-You 480

F9: Easy Returns 485

Pattern Group G: Advanced E-Commerce 491

G1: Featured Products 492

G2: Cross-Selling and Up-Selling 500

G3: Personalized Recommendations 510

G4: Recommendation Community 518

G5: Multiple Destinations 526

G6: Gift Giving 531

G7: Order Tracking and History 537

Pattern Group H: Helping Customers Complete Tasks 545

H1: Process Funnel 546

H2: Sign-in/New Account 552

H3: Guest Account 559

H4: Account Management 564

H5: Persistent Customer Sessions 570

H6: Floating Windows 576

H7: Frequently Asked Questions 581

H8: Context-Sensitive Help 587

H9: Direct Manipulation 591

H10: Clear Forms 600

H11: Predictive Input 609

H12: Drill-down Options 615

H13: Progress Bar 622

Pattern Group I: Designing Effective Page Layouts 631

I1: Grid Layout 632

I2: Above the Fold 637

I3: Clear First Reads 641

I4: Expanding Screen Width 646

I5: Fixed Screen Width 652

I6: Consistent Sidebars of Related Content 657

Pattern Group J: Making Site Search Fast and Relevant 661

J1: Search Action Module 662

J2: Straightforward Search Forms 666

J3: Organized Search Results 669

Pattern Group K: Making Navigation Easy 677

K1: Unified Browsing Hierarchy 678

K2: Navigation Bar 682

K3: Tab Rows 686

K4: Action Buttons 691

K5: High-Visibility Action Buttons 695

K6: Location Bread Crumbs 698

K7: Embedded Links 701

K8: External Links 705

K9: Descriptive, Longer Link Names 709

K10: Obvious Links 714

K11: Familiar Language 719

K12: Preventing Errors 723

K13: Meaningful Error Messages 727

K14: Page Not Found 731

K15: Permalinks 734

K16: Jump Menus 744

K17: Site Map 752

Pattern Group L: Speeding Up Your Site 759

L1: Low Number of Files 760

L2: Fast-Loading Images 764

L3: Separate Tables 772

L4: HTML Power 775

L5: Reusable Images 779

L6: Fast-Loading Content 782

Pattern Group M: The Mobile Web 793

M1: Mobile Screen Sizing 794

M2: Mobile Input Controls 805

M3: Location-Based Services 813

Part III: Appendixes 823Appendix A: Running Usability Evaluations 825Appendix B: Sample Web Site Evaluation Plan 841Appendix C: Sample Consent Form 845Appendix D: Sample Observer Form 847Appendix E: Online Research 849Glossary 867Resources 897Credits 935About the Authors 941Index 943

Look this: The Supermarket Diet or Edible Art

Thinking in Java, 4th Edition

Author: Bruce Eckel

Thinking in Java has earned raves from programmers worldwide for its extraordinary clarity, careful organization, and small, direct programming examples. From the fundamentals of Java syntax to its most advanced features, Thinking in Java is designed to teach, one simple step at a time.

  • The classic object-oriented introduction for beginners and experts alike, fully updated for Java SE5/6 with many new examples and chapters!
  • Test framework shows program output.
  • Design patterns are shown with multiple examples throughout: Adapter, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Decorator, Facade, Factory Method, Flyweight, Iterator, Data Transfer Object, Null Object, Proxy, Singleton, State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor.
  • Introduction to XML for data transfer; SWT, Flash for user interfaces.
  • Completely rewritten concurrency chapter gives you a solid grasp of threading fundamentals.
  • 500+ working Java programs in 700+ compiling files, rewritten for this edition and Java SE5/6.
  • Companion web site includes all source code, annotated solution guide, weblog, and multimedia seminars.
  • Thorough coverage of fundamentals; demonstrates advanced topics.
  • Explains sound object-oriented principles.
  • Hands-On Java Seminar CD available online, with full multimedia seminar by Bruce Eckel.
  • Live seminars, consulting, and reviews available. See

    Download seven free sample chapters from Thinking in Java, Fourth Edition. Visit

Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers or Adobe PhotoShop Lightroom how Tos

Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers

Author: Tom Green

Flash is one of the most engaging, innovative, and versatile technologies available—allowing the creation of anything from animated banners and simple cartoons, to Rich Internet Applications, Interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, except that now, it just got better.

Flash CS4 boasts a host of new features, including a whole new animation engine enabling full manipulation of tweens and paths, custom easing, and inverse kinematics, a revamped timeline, built-in 3D, and much more.

This book is all you'll need to learn Flash CS4 from the ground up, or learn about all these new features, if you already have previous Flash experience—Flash experts Tom Green and David Stiller take you step-by-step through all facets of Flash CS4, with the emphasis firmly on good design techniques that you use in your own projects.

  • Learn Flash design from the ground up, or just get to grips with the new features, with a series of step by step tutorials
  • Provides an easy introduction to ActionScript 3.0 coding, but the focus is mainly kept on design
  • Learn from the expertswritten by renowned Flash designers Tom Green and David Stiller
  • What you'll learn

  • The ins and outs of the Flash CS4 interface
  • How to use all of Flash CS4's essential features, such as text, graphics, and animation
  • How to use video and sound effectively in Flash
  • The fundamentals of Flash CS4s new animation and timeline features
  • The basics of ActionScript 3.0
  • How to populate a Flash movie with dynamic data such as XML
  • Who is this bookfor?

    This book is for both beginners who want a solid grounding in Flash CS4, and designers with previous Flash experience, who want to get up to speed with the new features.

    New interesting textbook: The End or Moral Man and Immoral Society

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques

    Author: Chris Orwig

    Build your Lightroom expertise, one technique at a time. Why sort through piles of unrelated documentation when you can focus on the essential techniques? In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 How-Tos, author Chris Orwig brings you the best techniques to quickly organize and correct your digital images using this powerful program created specifically for photographers. Complete with illustrations and practical tips, these bite-sized lessons from Chris’s experience as a photographer and instructor provide just the information you need. Here you can explore the program at your own pace, spending less time at your computer and more time behind the lens taking great pictures.

    Coverage includes

    • Customizing the Interface
    • Understanding File Formats
    • Finding Images with Text, Refine, and Metadata Filters
    • Using Presets in Quick Develop
    • Correcting White Balance
    • Applying Settings to Other Images
    • Changing Hue, Saturation, and Luminance
    • Dodging and Burning with the Adjustment Brush
    • Customizing Web Galleries

    Monday, December 29, 2008

    The Adobe Illustrator CS3 Wow Book or The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing

    The Adobe Illustrator CS3 Wow! Book: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques from 100 Top Illustrator Artists

    Author: Sharon Steuer

    Adobe Illustrator is the indispensable vector drawing tool used by digital artists around the world. As a core component of Adobe Creative Suite CS3, Illustrator CS3 provides those artists with powerful drawing tools, unparalleled typographic controls, and much more. The award-winning Adobe Illustrator Wow! Book is back to motivate all those artists. With its practical, yet inspiring examples, this book focuses on real-world tips, tricks, and techniques extracted from real-world artworks of more than 100 of the best Illustrator artists. Along the way, it covers all of Adobe Illustrator CS3’s new features, including new tools in Live Color, enhancements to essential drawing tools and controls, improvements to the powerful Control panel, the new Eraser tool and Crop Area tool, and much more.

    Interesting book: Iron Fists or Fair Game

    The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing: Build a Million Dollar Business Within 12 Months

    Author: Dan S Kennedy

    Welcome to the information marketing industry - a little-known industry of entrepreneurs, most working only part-time hours and netting seven-figure profits.

    Info-marketers gather information and sell it in convenient forms to people who need it. The topics include everything imaginable from better sex, to teaching parrots to talk, to gardening, to investing in real estate, to running businesses. In addition to an easy 9-step process for you to create your own info-business, this book profiles 29 info-marketers, reveals their businesses strategies, marketing materials and business documents so you can have the tools you need to duplicate their success.

    How a Real Estate Millionaire Gets His Customers to Do the Selling for Him ….. Page 159

    How One Ex-Salesman, Ex-Law Enforcement Officer, Ex-Company Owner Turned Surplus Junk Into a Million-Dollar Info-business ….. Page 28

    A High School Kid Built a Business and Earned More Than His College Professors ….. Page 32

    A Direct Sales Process That Turned Into an Info-Business ….. Page 35

    The 40 Ways to Make Money With Information Products ….. Page 41

    The Quick Way to Determine the Selling Price of Information Products …. Page 43

    How Simple Changes Multiplied a Product's Sales Price 4Times …. Page 51

    How a Professional Speaker Got Off the Road and Built a Million-Dollar Business She Could Run From Her Home Office …. Page 53

    Blinded and Handicapped by Multiple Sclerosis, One Info-Marketer Used His Disability to Build a Successful Info-Business …. Page 59

    What a Successful Veterinarian Did to Get Veterinarians From Around the World to Buy His MarketingStrategies …. Page 62

    How an Info-Marketer From a Small Town in Kansas (population 565) Built an International Business …. Page 72

    Someone Who Teaches Men How to Get Women to Approach Them for Dates …. Page 76

    An Australian Built a Business Teaching Salons How to Book More Appointments, and He's Never Owned a Salon Before …. Page 81

    How an Info-Marketer Used His Products to Create a Professional Speaking Business Earning Him $10,000.00 per Gig …. Page 89

    How a Mom From New York Built a Business From Her Home That Kept Bill Collectors Away and Gave Her Family the Extra Money for a Great Lifestyle …. Page 101

    What an Info-Marketer Did With No Knowledge and No Customers to Build a Million-Dollar Business Within a Year …. Page 149

    What to Say to Get Customers to Believe That You Really Do Offer High Quality Products …. Page 121

    Information Marketing is responsive to and fueled by the ever-increasing pressure on peoples' time. Businesspeople and consumers alike need information provided to them in convenient forms, and in some cases, need an extension of it; methods and strategies that might merely have been taught to them 10 years ago are now done for them. The Information Industry encompasses products like traditional books, audio programs, videos or DVD's that you might buy in a store, from a catalog, or online; magazines, newsletters, e-books, membership websites, teleseminars and webinars, telecoaching programs, and seminars and conferences; and combinations thereof. Much of this business is conducted by lone wolf, small, quiet operators, many with home-based businesses, most with zero to no more than a few employees, most working only part-time hours and most netting 7-figure profits.

    Microsoft Office Word 2007 QuickSteps or CSS Pocket Reference

    Microsoft Office Word 2007 QuickSteps

    Author: Marty Matthews

    Learn to use Microsoft Office Word the QuickSteps way!

    Since its introduction, the Word user interface has grown to contain more than 250 menu items, 30 toolbars, and 20 task panes. Now the interface has been completely rebuilt in Word 2007 to vastly improve and simplify the user experience. This full-color, step-by-step guide helps you get acclimated quickly to the new interface and take full advantage of the powerful new capabilities.

    Marty Matthews has used computers for over 40 years, from some of the early mainframe computers to recent personal computers and servers. He has done this as a programmer, systems analyst, manager, vice president, and president of a software firm. As a result, he has first-hand knowledge of not only how to program and use a computer, but also how to make the best use of the information a computer can produce. Over 23 years ago Marty and his wife Carole began writing books as a major part of their occupation. In the intervening years they have written over 70 books including ones on desktop publishing, web publishing, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft operating systems from MS-DOS through Windows Server 2003. Recent books of Marty’s published by McGraw-Hill include a number of the very popular QuickSteps series, including Windows XP QuickSteps and Microsoft Office Office 2003 QuickSteps.

    See also: Explore the Tastes of Maryland or Garlic

    CSS Pocket Reference

    Author: Eric A Meyer

    They say that good things come in small packages, and it's certainly true for this edition of CSS Pocket Reference. Completely revised and updated to reflect the latest Cascading Style Sheet specifications in CSS 2.1, this indispensable little book covers the most essential information that web designers and developers need to implement CSS effectively across all browsers. Inside, you'll find: A short introduction to the key concepts of CSS A complete alphabetical reference to all CSS 2.1 selectors and properties A chart displaying detailed information about CSS support for every style element and its cross-browser compatibility This reference neatly condenses the details of its top-selling companion volume, Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide into one easy-to-use cheat-sheet that delivers all the CSS details you need to complete the task at hand. Whenever you're stuck and need an answer quickly—or if you just want to be sure you're applying CSS correctly—this edition of the CSS Pocket Reference is the book you'll want by your keyboard or, conveniently, in your back pocket.

    Table of Contents:
    Conventions used in this book1
    Adding styles to HTML and XHTML2
    Rule structure5
    Style precedence6
    Element classification8
    Element display roles9
    Basic visual layout10
    Floating rules13
    Positioning rules15
    Table layout21
    Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements38
    Property reference43
    Paged media105
    Dropped form CSS2.1108
    Visual styles108
    Paged media110
    Aural styles111

    Sunday, December 28, 2008

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Bible or Microsoft Office Specialist Study Guide

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Bible

    Author: Faithe Wempen

    Creating a good presentation is much more than just clicking a few dialog boxes and typing some text. It requires knowledge and planning—lots of it. With the PowerPoint 2007 Bible you will not only be able to build a presentation with PowerPoint, but you’ll also be able to explain why you made the choices you did, and you’ll deliver that presentation smoothly and with confidence.

    Experienced PowerPoint presenters will find the book full of coverage of Microsoft's new Office user interface for PowerPoint, including the innovative Ribbon. Anyone using PowerPoint will appreciate the advice on how to avoid really bad PowerPoint, get beyond bullet points, and engage the audience by creating PowerPoint presentations that don't suck.

    Valuable CD-ROM included! The CD-ROM included with the book contains more than 500 ready-to-use PowerPoint templates, backgrounds and themes from some of the best-known professional PowerPoint designers

    Some of the topics covered include:

    • Getting familiar with PowerPoint, the new tabs and Ribbon, the Office menu, SmartArt, and PowerPoint views

    • Delivering an effective presentation from identifying your audience and purpose through developing the content and rehearsing to preparing the room and equipment and finally getting on stage

    • Working with slides, text, and text formatting including the right fonts for your presentation format

    • Laying out slides and presentations with layouts, masters,backgrounds, and the new PowerPoint 2007 Themes

    • Working with tables and including tabluar material and data from Word or Excel

    •Drawing, working with photos and using charts, clip art, and PowerPoint 2007's new SmartArt

    • Adding sound effects, music, video, and soundtracks

    • Creating animations and transitions

    • Supporting your audience and presentation with handouts, speaker notes, and outlines

    • Working with PowerPoints live presentation tools including on-screen controls, backup slides, custom shows, preparing your presentation for use on another computer, and preparing your AV equipment or projectors

    • Building other presentation types including a self-running kiosk and a web and CD/DVD presentations

    • Sharing and collaborating on presentations on a LAN or using the new SharePoint Slide Library

    • 4 special labs to help you put all of your PowerPoint skills to us in great content including presenting content with out Bullet lists

    • The CD-ROM included with the book contains more than 500 ready-to-use PowerPoint templates, backgrounds and themes from some of the best-known professional PowerPoint designers

    See also: A Theory of Justice or Libertys Blueprint

    Microsoft Office Specialist Study Guide: Office 2003 Edition

    Author: Online Training Solutions Staff

    Demonstrate your expertise with Microsoft Office! This easy-to-use study guide helps you practice and prepare for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification, covering all the exams on the Microsoft Office 2003 Editions track, including both specialist and expert-level certifications. For each exam, you'll build the skills and knowledge measured by its objectives through a series of step-by-step exercises and end-of-chapter reviews. Easy-to-follow screen shots and explanations bring key concepts to life and expertly guide you through the material. The CD contains practice files and practice tests so you can shore up your learning and get ready for the real exam. Includes exam preparation for Microsoft Office Word 2003, Word 2003 Expert, Excel 2003, Excel 2003 Expert, PowerPoint® 2003, Access 2003, and Outlook® 2003.

    Table of Contents:
    Pt. IMicrosoft Office specialist Word 2003 core exam
    Creating content4
    Organizing content39
    Formatting content62
    Formatting and managing documents106
    Pt. IIMicrosoft Office specialist Word 2003 expert exam
    Formatting content133
    Organizing content153
    Formatting documents183
    Customizing word223
    Pt. IIIMicrosoft Office specialist Excel 2003 core exam
    Creating data and content241
    Analyzing data258
    Formatting data and content277
    Managing workbooks296
    Pt. IVMicrosoft Office specialist Excel 2003 expert exam
    Organizing and analyzing data325
    Formatting data and content370
    Managing data and workbooks398
    Customizing Excel411
    Pt. VMicrosoft Office specialist PowerPoint 2003 exam
    Creating content427
    Formatting content465
    Managing and delivering presentations504
    Pt. VIMicrosoft Office specialist Access 2003 exam
    Structuring databases539
    Entering data600
    Organizing data609
    Managing databases631
    Pt. VIIMicrosoft Office specialist Outlook 2003 exam

    Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers or All in One Security Certification Exam Guide

    Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

    Author: Richard W Hamming

    For this inexpensive paperback edition of a groundbreaking classic, the author has extensively rearranged, rewritten and enlarged the material. Book is unique in its emphasis on the frequency approach and its use in the solution of problems. Contents include: Fundamentals and Algorithms; Polynomial Approximation — Classical Theory; Fourier Approximation — Modern Therory; Exponential Approximation.

    Go to: Confederate Industry or Business Partnering for Continuous Improvement

    All-in-One Security+ Certification Exam Guide

    Author: Gregory B Whit

    All-in-One is all you need! This authoritative reference offers complete coverage of all material on the Security+ certification exam. You’ll find exam objectives at the beginning of each chapter, helpful exam tips, end-of-chapter practice questions, and photographs and illustrations. The bonus CD-ROM contains a testing engine with questions found only on the CD. This comprehensive guide not only helps you pass this challenging exam, but will also serve as an invaluable on-the-job reference.

    Table of Contents:
    Pt. IAuthentication1
    Ch. 1General Security Concepts3
    Pt. IIMalware and Attacks27
    Ch. 2Types of Attacks and Malicious Software29
    Pt. IIISecurity in Transmissions59
    Ch. 3Remote Access61
    Ch. 4E-Mail89
    Ch. 5Web Components103
    Ch. 6Wireless and Instant Messaging133
    Pt. IVSecurity for the Infrastructure153
    Ch. 7Infrastructure Security155
    Ch. 8Intrusion Detection Systems195
    Ch. 9Security Baselines223
    Pt. VCryptography and Applications277
    Ch. 10Cryptography279
    Ch. 11Public Key Infrastructure307
    Ch. 12Standards and Protocols357
    Pt. VIOperational Security383
    Ch. 13Operational/Organizational Security385
    Ch. 14Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, and Organizational Policies405
    Pt. VIIAdministrative Controls431
    Ch. 15Security and Law433
    Ch. 16Privilege Management447
    Ch. 17Computer Forensics463
    Ch. 18Risk Management477
    Ch. 19Change Management495
    Pt. VIIIAppendixes509
    App. A: About the CD-ROM511
    App. BOSI Model and Internet Protocols513

    Saturday, December 27, 2008

    ASPNET 35 Unleashed or Facebook Book

    ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed

    Author: Stephen Walther

    ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed is the most comprehensive book available on the Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 Framework, covering all aspects of the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework--no matter how advanced.

    This edition covers all the new features of ASP.NET 3.5. It explains Microsoft LINQ to SQL in detail. It includes a chapter on the two new data access controls introduced with the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework: ListView and DataPager. With its coverage of ASP.NET AJAX, this book shows you how to take advantage of Microsoft's server-side AJAX framework to retrofit existing ASP.NET applications with AJAX functionality. It also demonstrates how to use Microsoft's client-side AJAX framework to build the web applications of the future: pure client-side AJAX applications. All code samples are written in the C# programming language. (Visual Basic versions of all code samples are included on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book.)

    • Take advantage of Microsoft's new database query language, LINQ to SQL, to easily build database-driven web applications
    • Learn how to use the new ListView and DataPager data access controls to build flexible user interfaces
    • Take advantage of ASP.NET AJAX when building both server-side and client-side web applications
    • Use the AJAX Control Toolkit to create auto-complete text fields, draggable panels, masked edit fields, and complex animations
    • Design ASP.NET websites
    • Secure your ASP.NET applications
    • Create custom components
    • Build highly interactive websites that can scale to handle thousands of simultaneous users
    • Learn to build a complete ASP.NET 3.5 website from start to finish–the last chapter of the book includes a sample ASP.NET 3.5 web application written with LINQ to SQL and ASP.NET AJAX

    CD-ROM includes all examples and source code presented in this book in both C# and Visual Basic.

    Table of Contents:
    PART I : Building ASP.NET Pages

    Chapter 1 -- Overview of the ASP.NET Framework

    Chapter 2 -- Using the Standard Controls

    Chapter 3 -- Using the Validation Controls

    Chapter 4 -- Using the Rich Controls

    PART II: Designing ASP.NET Websites

    Chapter 5 -- Designing Websites with Master Pages

    Chapter 6 -- Designing Websites with Themes

    Chapter 7 -- Creating Custom Controls with User Controls

    PART III: Performing Data Access

    Chapter 8 -- Overview of Data Access

    Chapter 9 -- Using the SqlDataSource Control

    Chapter 10 -- Using List Controls

    Chapter 11 -- Using the GridView Control

    Chapter 12 -- Using the DetailsView and FormView Controls

    Chapter 13 -- Using the Repeater and DataList Controls

    Chapter 14 -- Using the ListView and DataPager Controls

    PART IV: Building Components

    Chapter 15 -- Building Components

    Chapter 16 -- Using the ObjectDataSource Control

    Chapter 17 -- Building Data Access Components with ADO.NET

    Chapter 18 -- Data Access with LINQ to SQL

    PART V: Site Navigation

    Chapter 19 -- Using the Navigation Controls

    Chapter 20 -- Using Site Maps

    Chapter 21 -- Advanced Navigation

    PART VI: Security

    Chapter 22 -- Using the Login Controls

    Chapter 23 -- Using ASP.NET Membership

    PART VII: Building ASP.NET Applications

    Chapter 24 -- Maintaining Application State

    Chapter 25 -- Caching Application Pages and Data

    Chapter 26 -- Localizing Applications for Multiple Languages

    Chapter 27 -- Working with the HTTP Runtime

    Chapter 28 -- Configuring Applications

    PART VIII: Custom Control Building  

    Chapter 29 -- Building CustomControls

    Chapter 30 -- Building Templated Databound Controls


    Chapter 31 -- Using Server-Side ASP.NET AJAX

    Chapter 32 -- Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

    Chapter 33 -- Using Client-Side ASP.NET AJAX

    PART X: Sample Application

    Chapter 34 -- Building a Code Sample Website


    Interesting book: Privatization or New Niagara

    Facebook Book

    Author: Greg Atwan

    The Facebook Book, by Harvard alums and early Booksters Atwan and Lushing, follows in the fine satirical tradition of The Official Preppy Handbook and The Hipster Handbook, full of anecdotes (true and semi-true), tips (useful and useless), and other insights, including chapters on the Ethics and Etiquette of using the 'Book, what your profile really says about you, and a Facebook dictionary (which defines for the uninitiated terms like "frenemey" and "fauxmance"). The Facebook Book will appeal not only to undergrads, but also high schoolers (to whom the site was recently opened), savvy parents, and anyone who's tapped into Web 2.0 culture and counterculture.

    iPod or Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms

    iPod: The Missing Manual

    Author: Jude D Biersdorfer

    With iPod touch, Apple's sleek little entertainment center has entered a whole new realm, and the ultimate iPod book is ready to take you on a complete guided tour. As breathtaking and satisfying as its subject, iPod: The Missing Manual gives you a no-nonsense view of everything in the "sixth generation" iPod line. Learn what you can do with iPod Touch and its multi-touch interface, 3.5-inch widescreen display and Wi-Fi browsing capabilities. Get to know the redesigned iPod Nano with its larger display and video storage capacity. It's all right here. The 6th edition sports easy-to-follow color graphics, crystal-clear explanations, and guidance on the most useful things your iPod can do. Topics include: Out of the box and into your ears. Learn how to install iTunes, load music on your iPod, and get rid of that dang flashing "Do not disconnect" message. Bopping around the iPod. Whether you've got a tiny Shuffle, a Nano, the Classic, or the new Touch, you'll learn everything from turning your iPod off and on to charging your iPod without a computer. Special coverage for iPod owners with trickster friends: How to reset the iPod's menus to English if they've been changed to, say, Korean. In tune with iTunes. iTunes can do far more than your father's jukebox. Learn how to pick and choose which parts of your iTunes library loads onto your iPod, how to move your sacred iTunes Folder to a bigger hard drive, and how to add album covers to your growing collection. The power of the 'Pod. Download movies and TV shows, play photo slideshows, find cool podcasts, and more: this book shows you how to unleash all your iPod's power. iPod is simply the best music player available, and thisis the manualthat should have come with it.

    Look this: Bold Italian or Food for Thought

    Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms

    Author: Douglas A Downing

    Computer science and computer technology are constantly changing, and this handy dictionary has been expanded and updated once again to keep pace with newest developments. Updated to include expanded coverage of electronic publishing, the alphabetized entries define terms as familiar as DATABASE and INTERNET, and as esoteric as MANDELBROT SET. Tables and charts explain electronic circuit diagram symbols, the Quicksort algorithm in action, the way transistors operate, computer command codes, and just about everything else that relates to computers. The New York Times called this dictionary's previous edition "....a book that belongs on the desks of computer enthusiasts."


    Covering approximately 2500 terms related to business software, personal computers, the Internet, computer architecture, and binary arithmetic, this dictionary provides definitions, offers clues to usage, and notes slang and jargon when they appear. A visual dictionary of characters and symbols is also included. This edition features 200 new entries. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

    Friday, December 26, 2008

    FINAL FANTASY X Official Strategy Guide or MCSE Self Paced Training Kit

    FINAL FANTASY X Official Strategy Guide

    Author: Dan Birlew

    BradyGames FINAL FANTASY X Official Strategy Guide contains a comprehensive walkthrough with detailed strategy to steer you in the right direction, complete with unbeatable strategy, and without plot spoilers! The unstoppable boss strategy provides powerful tactics to topple every boss in the game! Secrets revealed to unlock every character's legendary weapon. Every side quest and mini-game uncovered to help you become the ultimate blitzer! All-inclusive bestiary lets you discover the strengths and weaknesses of every fiend in the game and the spoils rewarded for defeating them. Game secrets include secret world map locations and airship passwords. Plus, area maps, detailed item, weapon, and armor inventories are also included!
    This Signature Series guide combines quality design and innovative content, serving as the ultimate FINAL FANTASY X resource. Some of the features in this guide include a special cover treatment, exclusive interviews, and an exclusive two-sided poster, with sphere grid & Rikku's overdrive, and mix.

    Go to: While Europe Slept or A Treasury of Great American Scandals

    MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-290) Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

    Author: Dan Holm

    Announcing an all-new MCSA/MCSE Training Kit designed to help maximize your performance on Exam 70-290, a core exam for the new Windows Server 2003 certification. This kit packs the tools and features that exam candidates want most-including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and a robust testing suite. It also provides real-world scenarios, case study examples, and troubleshooting labs for skills and expertise that you can apply to the job.

    Focusing on account and resource management in a Windows Server 2003 environment, this official study guide covers topics such as managing physical and logical devices; users, computers, and groups; access and permissions; the server environment; and disaster recovery services.

    Ace your exam preparation and ramp up quickly on Windows Server 2003 by working at your own pace through the lessons, hands-on exercises, and practice tests. The flexible, best-of-class test engine on CD features 300 practice questions and pre-assessment and post-assessment capabilities. Choose timed or untimed testing mode, generate random tests, or focus on discrete objectives or chapters, and get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers-including pointers back to the book for further study. You also get a 120-day evaluation version of Windows Server 2003 and a 15 percent exam discount voucher-making this kit an exceptional value and a great career investment.

    Table of Contents:
    Pt. 1Learn at your own pace
    1Introducing Microsoft Windows Server 2003
    2Administering Microsoft Windows Server 2003
    3User accounts
    4Group accounts
    5Computer accounts
    6Files and folders
    7Backing up data
    9Maintaining the operating system
    10Managing hardware devices and drivers
    11Managing Microsoft Windows Server 2003 disk storage
    12Monitoring Microsoft Windows Server 2003 disk storage
    13Recovering from system failure
    Pt. 2Prepare for the exam
    14Managing and maintaining physical and logical devices (1.0)
    15Managing users, computers and groups (2.0)
    16Managing and maintaining access to resources (3.0)
    17Managing and maintaining a server environment (4.0)
    18Managing and implementing disaster recovery (5.0)

    Tuesday, December 23, 2008

    Photoshop CS3 Bible or Access 2003 Bible

    Photoshop CS3 Bible

    Author: Laurie Ulrich Fuller

    Get the book you need to succeed in any Photoshop endeavor -- Photoshop CS3 Bible. In this totally updated edition to the international bestseller, the authors show you how to master every aspect of Photoshop -- from image-editing basics to new techniques for working with camera raw images. You'll learn how to retouch, color correct, manipulate, and combine images using Photoshop. You'll discover how to create cutting-edge special effects for digital or film-based images, and use them on the Web or in print. And you'll find out how to use the File Browser, histogram palette, Lens Blur, Match Color, the color replacement tool, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more. The authors' easy and approachable writing style demystifies even the most complex Photoshop tasks. Order today and master Photoshop CS3.

    Books about: Complete Quick and Hearty Diabetic Cookbook or 24 Hour Pharmacist

    Access 2003 Bible

    Author: Cary N Pragu

    • The most comprehensive reference on this popular database management tool, fully updated with the new features of Access "X" including increased use of XML and Web services

    • Explores the new, tighter integration with SharePoint and BizTalk in Office "X" that enables greater flexibility for gathering and manipulating data

    • Written by an international bestselling author team with several books to their credit, including previous editions of Access Bible

    • Gets Access beginners started with hundreds of examples, tips, and techniques for getting the most from Access

    • Offers advanced programming information for serious professionals

    • CD-ROM includes all templates and worksheets used in the book, as well as sample chapters from all Wiley Office "X" related Bibles and useful third party software, including John Walkenbach's Power Utility Pak

    Table of Contents:
    Ch. 1Understanding Data3
    Ch. 2Creating and Building Tables35
    Ch. 3Entering Data into Tables and Forms85
    Ch. 4Creating and Understanding Relationships123
    Ch. 5Displaying Selected Data with Queries153
    Ch. 6Using Operators and Expressions in Multi-table Select Queries203
    Ch. 7Working with External Data247
    Ch. 8Understanding the Many Uses of Forms and Controls301
    Ch. 9Building and Manipulating Forms and Controls321
    Ch. 10Creating Bound Forms and Placing Controls349
    Ch. 11Adding Data-Validation Features to Forms391
    Ch. 12Creating Professional-Looking Forms and Reports421
    Ch. 13Understanding and Creating Reports443
    Ch. 14Working with Subforms503
    Ch. 15Creating Calculations and Summaries in Reports539
    Ch. 16Presenting Data with Special Report Types575
    Ch. 17Using OLE Objects, Graphs, Pivot Tables/Charts, and ActiveX Controls603
    Ch. 18Understanding Visual Basic and the VBA Editor655
    Ch. 19Introduction to Programming and Events679
    Ch. 20Working with Expressions and Functions713
    Ch. 21Working with SQL, Recordsets, and ADO737
    Ch. 22Automating, Searches, Filters, and Query Parameters757
    Ch. 23Calling Subprocedures and Functions771
    Ch. 24Effective Debugging and Error Handling in VBA783
    Ch. 25Creating Switchboards, Command Bars, Menus, Toolbars, and Dialog Boxes805
    Ch. 26Programming Continuous Forms, Tab Dialogs, and Command Buttons865
    Ch. 27Upsizing Data to a SQL Server Databases885
    Ch. 28Working with Access Projects903
    Ch. 29Working with Access Projects and SQL Server Tables and Queries921
    Ch. 30Using and Creating Access Objects for Intranets and the Internet947
    Ch. 31Building and Working with Data Access Pages981
    Ch. 32XML, Access, and InfoPath1037
    Ch. 33Exchanging Data with Office Applications1083
    Ch. 34Adding Security to Applications1101
    Ch. 35Creating Help Systems1143
    Ch. 36Working with Advanced Select Queries and Other Query Topics1179
    Ch. 37Working with Action and SQL Queries1229
    Ch. 38Increasing the Speed of an Application1265
    Ch. 39Preparing Your Application for Distribution1309
    App. AAccess 2003 Specifications1333
    App. BAccess Auto Auction Tables1339
    App. CUsing the CD-ROM Included with the Book1345
    App. DUsing Standard Naming Conventions1355

    Apple Pro Training Series or Build It Fix It Own It

    Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 2

    Author: Ben Long

    Fully updated for Aperture 2, this comprehensive book-DVD training combo starts with the basics of image management and takes you step by step all the way through Aperture's powerful photo-editing, image-retouching, proofing, publishing, and archiving features. Aperture 2's new features are completely covered, including a new RAW-image processing engine, a streamlined interface, powerful new adjustment tools, and added integration with Mac OS X and other Apple products for instant web publishing and one-click portfolio syncing. Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 2 delivers comprehensive training - the equivalent of a two-day course - in one project-based book. You'll learn time-saving techniques for sorting, ranking, and organizing images, effective methods for correcting and enhancing images, plus efficient ways to display images for client review, apply metadata, update your online portfolio automatically, and much more. Real-world exercises feature professional photography from a variety of genres, including photo-journalism, sports, wedding, commercial, and portraiture. All the files you need to complete the exercises are included on the DVD.

    Books about: Taking Charge of ADHD or Kid Friendly Food Allergy Cookbook

    Build It. Fix It. Own It: A Beginner's Guide to Building and Upgrading a PC

    Author: Paul McFedries

    A Beginner’s Guide to Building and Upgrading a PC

    Build It. Fix It. Own It. is the ultimate beginner’s guide to building and fixing your own PC. With a friendly, knowledgeable tone, this book shows the beginning PC builder everything he or she needs to know to build a computer or upgrade an existing one.
    We step you through the parts that lurk inside a PC, from the motherboard and power supply to the CPU, memory, hard drive, video card, sound card, and networking hardware. In each case, you will learn how the hardware works, what it does, what types of hardware are available, and what to look for when buying the hardware.
    Then we walk you step-by-step though a series of PC building projects. We show you how to build five different types of PC: a basic business PC, a home theater PC, a high-performance PC, a killer gaming PC, and a budget PC. And if building a new PC from scratch isn’t in your budget, we show you how to resurrect an old PC by swapping out a few key components.
    When you have your PC built and running, we show you how to set up a wireless network and the BIOS and maintain your new rig.

    Build It. Fix It. Own It. is the ultimate PC builder’s guide, even if you’ve never ventured inside a PC case before!

    Author Bio
    Paul McFedries is one of the industry’s most well known and respected technical writers and is a passionate computer tinkerer. He is the author of more than 70 computer books that have sold more than three million copies worldwide. His recent titles include the Sams Publishing books Windows Vista Unleashedand Windows Home Server Unleashed and the Que Publishing books Networking with Microsoft Windows Vista, Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2007, Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus, and Microsoft Access 2007 Forms, Reports, and Queries. Paul also is the proprietor of Word Spy (, a website devoted to tracking new words and phrases as they enter the English language.

    Category Hardware
    Covers PC Hardware
    User Level Beginner—Intermediate

    Sunday, December 21, 2008

    Complete Guide to High Dynamic Range Digital Photography or HTML

    Complete Guide to High Dynamic Range Digital Photography (Lark Photography Book Series)

    Author: Ferrell McCollough

    It’s the latest and hottest technique, made possible only through digital. High Dynamic Range photography is the process of taking several pictures of a scene at various exposures, then merging them into one file. So the entire photo can look crisp and detailed, from highlights to midtones to shadows—and photographers needn’t sacrifice any part of their image. And the best way to master this exciting technology is with this thorough, easy-to-follow, and visually spectacular guide. No other title does justice to these cutting-edge techniques, which actually take the viewer into worlds far beyond normal photography—sometimes even beyond normal human perception. Ferrell McCollough, a widely respected photographer, pushes the boundaries and inspires others to pursue their artistic vision, too. The amazing results simply can’t be achieved any other way.

    HTML (SparkCharts)

    Author: SparkNotes Editors

    SparkChartsTM—created by Harvard students for students everywhere—serve as study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, including Business, Computer Programming, Medicine, Law, Foreign Language, Humanities, and Science. Titles like How to Study, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows, and HTML give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond. Outlines and summaries cover key points, while diagrams and tables make difficult concepts easier to digest. 

    This six-page chart covers:

    • Key HTML terms

    • XHTML distinctions

    • Basic HTML commands

    • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) I, including terms, syntax, fonts, selectors, and properties

    • Adding color to web pages

    • Special characters (entities) The chart also includes tables of:

    • HTML elements

    • HTML attributes

    • 256 web-safe colors

    • Letters and numerals

    • Punctuation and symbols

    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Microsoft Excel 2003 for Beginners or Wrath of the Lich King

    Microsoft Excel 2003 for Beginners (SparkCharts)

    Author: SparkNotes Editors


    SparkChartsTM—created by Harvard students for students everywhere—serve as study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, including Business, Computer Programming, Medicine, Law, Foreign Language, Humanities, and Science. Titles like How to Study, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows, and HTML give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond. Outlines and summaries cover key points, while diagrams and tables make difficult concepts easier to digest. 

    This four-page chart covers:

    • The Excel workspace
    • Basic operations
    • Navigating workbooks and worksheets
    • Cells, data, and calculations
    • Formatting
    • Database commands
    • Charts and graphics

    Wrath of the Lich King: Strategy Guide

    Author: Brady Games Staff

    BradyGames’ World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Official Strategy Guide includes the following:

    • Complete coverage of each race, with strengths, weaknesses, and more.

    • WEAPONS: Discover the awesome battery of weapons and armor, with detailed equipment lists

    • NORTHREND EXPLORED: In-depth information on quests, bosses, and treasures

    • NEW DUNGEONS: Instances and Raid roles explained plus locations and strategy

    • COMPLETE CRAFTING COVERAGE: Every recipe for every crafting profession

    Platform: PC

    Genre: Role-Playing Game